Our mission is to expedite response and recovery time for services and supplies after a disaster for affected communities.
As a 501(c)3 we partner with other organizations and agencies to address unmet needs after a disaster.
Our primary goal is to streamline efforts, supplies and information for communities by sharing valuable and informative details of major disaster relief activity and participating collaborations with other jurisdictions.
Combining different parts of various groups to help piece the lives of others back together again with churches through communities.
Louisiana or Power Outage Info
Mississippi or Power Outage Info
N. Carolina or Power Outage Info
S. Carolina or Power Outage Info
For each state listed above we exchange information and provide updates as well as links to other related agencies for quick viewing of their information and news releases.
Red Cross Relief Shelters
"But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him?"
(1 John 3:17)
Health & Human Services
Activated 24 Hour
Disaster Distress Helpline
Hurricane Milton - Hurricane Helene 2024 Please give your time, talent or treasure! Unity in Disasters network has supported over 17,000 families from 2009-2019. We have been responsible for, feeding, home repairs and the redistribution of over 1.7 million dollars of disaster relief supplies free to the community as of 9/1/2020. We have canvased for support to over 500 families and direct financial support to over 350 homes since 2022. Help us Help others! Go to bottom of page and donate now for Hurricane Milton or Helene.
This shows a great example of being intentional and connecting with a process in place.
Used in shelters from Tampa Bay to Ft Myers, Florida
Total of 24 pallets hygiene kits donated to the community for disaster relief from Unity in Disasters.
Shelters had requested people to bring their own bedding, so we wanted the children to have their own
From June 1, 2020 through September 3, 2020, our referral program and partners have distributed 130,707 gallons of free milk. It has included eight ministry partners and seven extended groups through North Atlanta Church of Christ. Our efforts have covered Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, and South Carolina with a total estimated value at $504,529.02 in free milk to families.
(COVID -19) Information -3/20/2020
We have provided 1,170 cases of bottled water and 23,040 shelf stable ready to eat meals (1,920 cases). In addition, we distributed from our mini supply storage over 750 N95 masks to two nursing homes and two full-service family clinics that provide services on a sliding fee scale.
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission.
Our In-kind donations from 2009-2022
Conversing with Atlanta Red Cross Media Relations Director Mr Brown
National Preparedness Month proclamation signing ceremony
Georgia August 14, 2013
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and fund our mission.
Unity in Disasters
10810 Boyette Rd # 1871 Riverview, Florida 33568