Oct 9, 2021 we provided in- kind donation of over 1,400 cases for hurricane Ida relief.
Items Delivered: 8 pallets in total: cleaning supplies, hand sanitizer, mayonnaise
Items Delivered: 4 Pallets in total: Diapers, Baby Wipes, Chips, hand sanitizer, dry beans, disinfectant
Items Delivered: 12 pallets in total: cleaning supplies, mayo; chips
Volunteers taking a break before supporting hurricane Ida relief with cleaning supplies and food.
Contact: Rev. Wesly Anderson, Jr. 985.212.7566
Items Delivered: 8 pallets in total: cleaning supplies, hand sanitizer, mayonnaise; chips
Contact: Chris Battle, Gulf Coast for a Green New Deal, cbattlesr@gmail.com
Items Delivered: 12 pallets in total: cleaning supplies, mayo; chips
Contact: Chris Battle, Gulf Coast for a Green New Deal, cbattlesr@gmail.com
Items Delivered: 11 pallets in total: hand sanitizer, sanitizing wipes, bleach, disinfectant cleaning solution, water
Contact: Efran Nunez, efren@iajems.org
Items Delivered: 4 Pallets in total: Diapers, Baby Wipes, Chips, hand sanitizer, dry beans, disinfectant cleaning solution and water
We are in Phase II of our hurricane Ida relief that will consist of distribution of 300 (pre-packed) 5-gallon buckets of assorted cleaning supplies a total of 8 pallets from one of our donors. In addition, we will transport and distribute 30 pallets (estimated 700 cases/21,000 lbs.) of food (baby food, veggie straws/chips, and taco kits). All items forecasted to arrive in Jackson, Mississippi by Oct 5th and distributed by October 16th, 2021. Our volunteers and partners will set distribution sites in Hammond, LA, buy request, Slidell LA, by request, Reserve, LA by request and Biloxi, MS by request. 9.25.2021
Unity in Disasters has completed Phase I of our II-Phase relief effort for Hurricane Ida with the purchase of 1,000 rolls of paper towels and I,000 rolls of toilet paper. In addition, we purchased a variety of large storage bins and meal size plastic containers, while absorbing all of the cost associated with this phase.
Disasters are our priority and we act in faith within God’s economy to help those families displaced and effected. Large events like Hurricane Ida are more of a challenge. We have a unique strategy for supporting disasters and normally receive most financial support shortly after a major event providing direct support.
Several hundred families are temporarily homeless and struggling without the basics of food, shelter and security. Faith and prayer are great foundations, but that alone does not provide the essential needs to live with any type of hope or dignity. Federal, state and local agencies along with several churches and outreach agencies can only do their part. Hurricane Ida has created suffering that will require intentional support by many because of the wide spread damage to communities, families and the human spirit.
Our next phase will consist of providing 200-300 cases of food and/or 400 buckets filled with cleaning supplies after a local assessment to determine the exact area needing assistance. A portion of this phase will be through our network of in-kind donations. Financial support for this phase is critical and any amount will help us to support families that have so many unmet needs. After 13 years of providing relief across eight states we have developed insight, acclimated to best practices, and proven to be good stewards of ministry resources.
You can click here to use the Unity pay pal link, or use cash app $JoeUnity for those who want to help us help others. (9/6/21)
All Healers Mental Health Alliance
News & Updates
September 2021 Edition
Join us on Sunday, September 19, 2021 at 7:00 PM ET / 6:00 PM CT / 5:00 PM MT / 4:00 PM PT
Once you register, you will receive a confirmation email with the meeting ID and passcode to log into Zoom.
If you want to join via phone, you still need to register. Once you do, you will see a list of phone numbers to dial by location.
**If you have any trouble accessing the Zoom call through the internet or by phone, please contact Roxana Feenster at roxanafeenster@gmail.com, or text/call her at 443 314-5188**
The agenda for the September 19th meeting and minutes from the last meeting will be sent after Labor Day with additional updates.
Support Hurricane Ida Relief Efforts!
Unity in Disasters is supporting Hurricane Ida relief efforts in two phases. The first phase is a local drive over the next two weeks in the Tampa, Florida area. A local law firm and restaurant have created a partnership to collect, transport, and distribute donated products. While the overall collaboration goal is to fill at least 3-4 truckloads of donated items, Unity in Disasters will purchase items to fill one of those trucks. The second phase is to support hurricane survivors after we make a 21-day assessment to determine unmet needs and augment feeding operations with NACC or help with donated goods. This will be driven by financial donations to maximize efforts and prevent duplication of efforts, and cover the cost of transportation.
How You Can Help Us Help Others:
Go to www.unityindisasters.org and click on the "Donate Now" button
Send a donation via Cashapp to $JoeUnity
Impacted Areas:
Hammond, LA has a population of 20,019 – over 16 inches of rain
Laplace, LA has a population of 29.1k people -over 18 inches of rain
Jean LaFlee Orleans population of 2,021 – Flooding due to levee breach
New Orleans, LA population 388,244 - Long term power grid outage
Hurricane Ida Relief Updates provided by Faith Communities in Disaster
Situational Awareness and Resources
NOAA 4pm CDT update attached. View key messages here
Key message #2 is especially important: In areas that experienced damage and power loss, individuals should use extreme caution during the recovery phase. Post-storm fatalities and injuries often result from heart attacks and heat exhaustion. They can also result from accidents related to clean up/recovery and carbon monoxide poisoning from improper generator use.
Click here for Power Outage Safety Information
Flooding Reports and Resources
Current flood gauge levels for Louisiana and Mississippi, courtesy of water.weather.gov
Hurricane Ida Forces Mississippi River to Reverse Flow (interesting article from CNN)
Power Outages
678,478 without power
Louisianna Power Outages
Damage Reports
Our Damage Assessment (DA) teams will be out this week collecting data on where we should focus efforts. I will share that with you each night as I get the updates. THANK YOU! to our NAACP partners for providing updates on damage across the Region. That information was immediately forwarded to our DA teams as it came in. We couldn’t do this without you!
Mass Care Updates
Red Cross Shelter Map: Shelter locations and population numbers are updated nightly.
Feeding operations are underway and will continue as needed.
Bulk Distribution of emergency supplies will begin tomorrow
. Staying Safe After Hurricane Ida provided by FEMA
Key Highlights
Be patient. Recovery will take many months or more. Individuals who experienced damage and power loss should use extreme caution during the recovery phase. If you have insurance, start documenting your damage and reporting your loss immediately to your agent. Areas inland will continue to experience dangerous weather conditions, please be safe and listen to local emergency management officials. Anyone in the forecast path should take caution as Ida continues to cause flooding throughout areas of the Northeast. FEMA’s priorities are to support life-saving and life-sustaining actions. The agency continues working with federal, state, local, tribal and non-governmental partners to support the needs of areas affected by Ida. Visit Hurricane Ida | FEMA.gov for information and resources available for residents in areas that may be affected by Ida. The page is available in French, Haitian Creole, Simplified Chinese, Spanish and Vietnamese.
Disaster Declarations
President Biden’s Aug. 29 approval of a Major Disaster Declaration for the State of Louisiana is in addition to the Aug. 27 emergency declaration. If you were impacted by Ida and have insurance, contact your insurance company and FEMA. You will need to provide your insurance claim information to FEMA to determine eligibility for federal assistance. FEMA cannot provide assistance for losses that are covered by insurance. If you are in one of the Louisiana parishes approved for Individual Assistance and do not have insurance, you can apply for disaster assistance and get referrals to local, state and federal agencies and voluntary organizations. The fastest way to apply is through
Unity in Louisiana: (30 day update since August 19, 2016) We have helped with food and supplies for over 934 families at the five POD's (Point of Distribution) we set up in four Louisiana Parishes, distributed over 300,000 lbs of donated food to the five PODs, 150, 000 lbs of food donated to the Unity in Louisiana Coalition, two hot meal locations helping provide over 2,400 meals. There was a donation pledged to us on September 17, 2016 with seven truck loads (280, 000 lbs/156 pallets) of food for our hot meals initiative to be delivered to us on October 22, 2016. Providing tractor trailer of supplies such as diapers, hygiene kits, platex gloves, water and food boxes. Unity lead an agency for free air trans to neighboring states by private plane for families affected. We provided over 800 clean up buckets and one mobile feeding kitchen since Superstorm Sandy and it anticipated to be a cost of nearly $30 million. This flooding has claimed the lives of at least thirteen victims across five parishes with more than 31 inches of rainfall. There are over 7, 000 people desperately in need of our help. (10/31/16)
Unity in Disasters
10810 Boyette Rd # 1871 Riverview, Florida 33568