Community lines up outside our distribution site at St James Missionary Baptist Church in Rowland NC
Each bucket contains supplies to help families with clean up after the flood. Over 200 more buckets set to neighboring community
Thanks to our donors-we were able to help those in need
Volunteers help sort before distribution of bedding
Over 65 boxes of diapers to help families in South Carolina
Over 75 boxes of diapers to help families after the flood
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Our volunteers and donors are awesome !!!
Over 75 additional cases of pampers in larger sizes
Glad we were able to help theses kids with school supplies after hurricane Florence
Eden International Ministries helped us to help other
May God continue to bless and watch over His children
The school kits provided by our donors in a variety of colors created a fun atmosphere while the children made their selections
Hurricane Harvey Relief Efforts, Houston TX
Unity's in kind donations valued at over $236,000
August/Sept/Oct 2017
Provided Church of Christ in Houston with over 8 pallets of supplies delivered by National Association of Christian Churches.
Unity in Disasters contributed over 190,000 pounds of relief supplies to Puerto Rico for Hurricane Maria relief 2017
Unity in Disasters supported over 100 churches and local communities in partnership with Austin Disaster Relief.
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STEP 13 /STEP Denver is a men's shelter and rehabilitation program
The work program consist of repairing vehicles that are donated to the program
The supplies we provided will save the program money on purchasing
Thanks to our in kind donations from on of our partnerships , we were able to STEP up for STEP Denver and the shelter recovery program.
Unity in Disasters helps with getting over $75,000 worth of relief supplies for Tx flooding.
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"But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,’ declares the LORD" ~ Jeremiah 30:17
"Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security." ~ Jeremiah 33:6
Unity in Disasters
10810 Boyette Rd # 1871 Riverview, Florida 33568