In the past 12 weeks through our fast track referral program with partnering churches over 115,000 gallons of milk was distributed in three states. Georgia distributed 111,801 gallons of free milk from June 1 - Sept 3, 2020
Picture above: Here’s what 700 gallons of milk looks like in the cooler
Unloaded and ready for distribution at World Congress Center, Atlanta GA
Part of the 700 gallons week # 1 in June 2020.
Give God the glory as Borden's Dairy helps us help others who helps others. Beginning July 2nd through December the community will have milk weekly
Food boxes now have a gallon of milk that will help them get through the week in Cobb County GA
One of our partnering churches North Atlanta Church of Christ accepted our request to spearhead milk donation through Borden's Dairy. As a result in the first week 2,820 families received free milk. The extra 360 gallons that arrive at the church was meet with faith and they were able add to their distribution cycle. The weekly effort and plan is set for 2400 gallons weekly through December 2020 and this is one of three partnering churches in Georgia that we have signed up.
This month all three churches will receive and distribute total 3,000 gallons per week and a estimated 9,000 families monthly that will benefits from this outreach. 6.7.20
During the Georgia tornado outbreak 10/16/2018, we were able to provide:
1,0000 bags of ice
50 rolls of tarp ( roofing or perimeter)
two truck loads ( 36,000 lbs ) of relief items for Albany, GA
In addition one of Unity Churches was utilized as a temp shelter housing 5 families for 12 days to include 2 meals per day at 2nd Bethesda Missionary Baptist Church . Estimated in kind donations valued at $38,790.00
GEMA reported via Press Release at 5PM on 1/31/13: Gordon County: More than 250 homes and businesses were damaged or destroyed. Bartow County: More than 90 structures damaged. Over a two-day period from January 29 to January 30, 962 tornado, hail, and strong wind reports were received by the Storm Prediction Center (SPC). Of these, 83 were tornado-related reports.[28][29] The strongest of these tornadoes occurred
on January 30 and affected areas of Bartow and Gordon Counties in Georgia. The high-end EF3 killed one person in Adairsville, ending a record 220 day streak without a tornado-related fatality in the United States, with the last death occurring due to an EF2 tornado associated with Tropical Storm Debby in Florida in June 2012.[30] The 65 confirmed tornadoes was the third most ever recorded to occur in January.[31] The outbreak was the largest January-tornado outbreak in Middle Tennessee, which confirmed 22 tornadoes.
UNITY IN DISASTERS DONATED truck load (26 PALLETS OF INSTALLATION) to Gordon County, Georgia (2/17/13)
After the tornado outbreak of 2011 in Georgia, Unity in Disasters was able to support the community. We were able to provide through our donors: 6 pallets of Clorox, school kits, hygiene kits, infant supplies and blankets. In addition we were able to provide gently used consignment shop furniture for 25 families. Estimated value of in kind donations were $57,900
After the 2009 flooding in Georgia that damaged an estimated 2,000 homes in Cobb County, Unity in Disasters was able to help. We provided through in kind donations: 20 pallets of paper goods and hygiene products. In addition provided school kits, clean up buckets and 10 water heaters and carpet for home repairs. Estimated value of in kind donations from 10/2009 to 2/2010 were distributed were valued at $194,300
Cold & Flu Prevention Outreach (July-Sept 09)
Unity in Disasters, Inc.'s outreach efforts continue to strive and have a positive impact on the community. Over the past few months, many organizations have discussed the current disaster--H1N1 “Pandemic Flu”.
Unity in Disasters, Inc. is finalizing a Disaster Preparation Community Project to address the strong potential for a second wave of the Flu that will affect our local community. Steps can be taken now that will decrease the percentage of people that can acquire and/or transmit this virus. We have outlined a general concept that outlines how a few faith-based groups active in disaster assistance can contribute to prevention directly relating to relief efforts. We hope your disaster relief ministries and other groups will be willing to assist and take advantage of this project over the next few months prior to the cold and flu season. 6/15/2009.
WHAT: Distribution of Cold & Flu/Pandemic brochures and/or posters
WHERE: Nine Metro Atlanta Counties (at-risk populations and communities)
WHEN: July 31 – August 31, 2009 (September, if needed)
WHY: Strong possibility of second and larger wave of H1N1 Flu in September/October 2009
HOW: Agencies given a choice of zip codes or counties to distribute material
Priority #1: First Responders, Emergency Services, Support Agencies and their
families to stay healthy. At this time, we at Unity in Disasters, Inc. would like to thank all who were able to support our cold and flu outreach effort. With your donations of time, energy, money, and supplies, we were able to inform individuals on how to stay healthier this flu season. This effort from July-September 2009 resulted in over 900 volunteers distributing over 8,000 information flyers/brochures in 9 metro Atlanta counties. Through this effort, we hope that all who received this information will read, learn, and pass on the knowledge so that this epidemic can end sooner. Listed below are the specific agencies who were able to provide support and who helped to make this project a success. 9/21/2009
Unity in Disasters
10810 Boyette Rd # 1871 Riverview, Florida 33568